"Collided" by Lauren Asher delves into the entangled lives of two individuals whose paths collide unexpectedly, sparking a chain reaction of events that challenge their beliefs, choices, and relationships. As...
Victoria Schwab's "Gallant" weaves a haunting narrative of a young woman named Olivia who discovers dark secrets lurking within the walls of the mysterious Gallant House, where she seeks refuge...
In "Girl A," Abigail Dean crafts a chilling and haunting psychological thriller that delves deep into the complexities of family dynamics and the enduring trauma of childhood abuse. Lex Gracie,...
In "Kill Joy" by Holly Jackson, readers are plunged into a gripping world of mystery and suspense. Set in a small town plagued by secrets, the story follows a young...
In "Right Behind You: A Novel" by Lisa Gardner, tension simmers beneath the surface as a sinister presence lurks just out of sight, keeping readers on the edge of their...
"Sadie" by Courtney Summers is a gripping novel that delves deep into the complexities of loss, justice, and the resilience of the human spirit. Set against the backdrop of a...
The Dead Zone: A Novel Stephen King's #1 bestseller about a reluctant clairvoyant who must weigh his options when he suddenly sees the terrible future awaiting mankind."There was only blackness and...
"The Ice Beneath Her" by Camilla Grebe is a chilling psychological thriller that plunges readers into a gripping tale of murder, secrets, and the haunting depths of the human psyche....